WalkSafe: Winter is Coming, WalkSafe is Here

Man digging a path from the snow

Dec. 2018

Winter is Coming, WalkSafe is Here

It’s that time of year again! Time for winter boots, sidewalk salt and, of course, our annual UH WalkSafe campaign. Over the next few months, our Risk Connection newsletter and UH social media accounts will feature information and tips for preventing slips, trips and falls as winter weather takes hold. Avoiding these injuries always starts with adequate preparation. Prepare your organization for threats posed by colder temperatures and frozen precipitation by reminding your staff of these simple steps:

Stay safer this season

  • Walk carefully and watch for slick spots.
  • Obtain proper footwear for the winter season.
  • Ensure you have access to weather advisory alert systems.
  • Have a plan in place when off-premise work is necessary.
  • Put entryway mats and housekeeping supplies in place.
  • If you’re responsible for shoveling snow, take frequent breaks to avoid overexertion.
  • Maintain a supply of salt and other ice melters.
  • Offer individual salt/sand shakers for your staff.

Stay safe this winter season!

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