Agent News

The Pulse: Oct. 2021

Message from Justin Bealhen

A Message from UH Vice President Justin Bealhen

Hello Agency Partners,


Thank you,



New Self-Service Capabilities Are Now Live — Register for Training Today!

New Self-Service Capabilities Are Now Live — Register for Training Today!

On Tuesday, Sept. 7, we introduced new and expanded online capabilities for business effective Jan. 5, 2022 (Note: Please work with your Security Administrator to ensure your access). These improved capabilities include:

  • New and expanded online access to policy and billing inquiry applications
  • New quote and bind application via our portal

This new functionality is aimed at enhancing the experience of our agent partners by offering digital solutions available 24-7 to make the ease of doing business with us even greater. Rest assured, you will continue to have access to the systems, information, processes and support you have today — including Origami Risk View (RMIS) to manage your business — as we continue to offer the high-touch service you are accustomed to.

For those who would like to use our new applications, policy effective dates (beginning with Jan. 5, 2022) will determine when these tools can be used to quote and bind business — an automated process that removes any guesswork on your part.

Q&A/Demo Sessions Available
To ensure you are supported through this major milestone, we’re providing a variety of options for upcoming virtual demo sessions — with time for Q&A at each.

Even if you don’t use our portal today, anyone interested in learning more is encouraged to attend to understand these new capabilities! To take part in one of the demo sessions (offered through Microsoft Teams) please click here. 

Note: Training resources, including user guides and quick reference tools, will also be available to help you learn to use our new applications — all available in the portal.

Thank you for your valued partnership. Should you have questions, please reach out to your business development consultant.

Introducing ErgoView — Taking Ergonomic Assessments to the Next Level

Introducing ErgoView — Taking Ergonomic Assessments to the Next Level

As businesses continue to evolve with many turning to a more virtual environment, our team of loss control experts have applied their years of experience to provide safety services both virtually and in-person. Our expertise and loss control service models allow for virtual and in-person visits to work in tandem – ensuring that our customers receive the appropriate solution and service for the risk at hand. In short, we provide the right service, the right way, at the right time!

As part of our loss control offerings, customers have access to our online Resource Library, online training and tutorials, helpful links and other tools. We are also excited to announce that we are elevating our virtual offerings even further with the rollout of ErgoView: Powered by TuMeke – a motion capture technology tool that helps identify musculoskeletal risk factors.

Click here for more details about this exciting new offering!

Reporting System Enhancements Coming Soon!

Reporting System Enhancements Coming Soon!

We’re excited to announce new enhancements coming to our digital reporting experience. Early next year, you and our mutual customers can look forward to accessing new, more dynamic data 24/7. New features include additional loss run report options for our policyholders and our agent partners as well as new agency reporting capabilities. These new reports will be available on the homepage of our secure customer portal in the ‘quick links’ section. The new reports will complement data reporting available in our Risk Management Information System (RiskView) – which existing users will continue to have access to. We’ll be sure to share updates with you as our launch date approaches.

AF Group: Keeping COVID-19 in Focus

AF Group: Keeping COVID-19 in Focus

Hear from AF Group Chief Claims Officer Paul Kearney as he provides an update on claims trends our workers’ compensation brands are seeing, as well as the efforts AF Group is taking to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Watch Video Update >>

Best Places to Work in Insurance List for 12th Straight Year!

AF Group Named To “Best Places to Work in Insurance” List for 12th Straight Year!

Business Insurance magazine has recognized AF Group and its brands as one of the best employers in the insurance industry for 12 years running. They base their decision on a company’s ability to establish a workplace where employees can thrive, enjoy their work and help their company grow. We’re so proud to be included on the list once again this year — and thank our agent partners for supporting us through continued partnership. Read more >>

eLearning: Health and Wellness While Working Remote

eLearning: Health and Wellness While Working Remote

Health and wellness play a critical role in our quality of life and productivity. As many of us are working remotely, it’s important we pay close attention to the factors that contribute to our overall wellbeing. We recently developed this eLearning for our mutual customers, but thought you might benefit from this short refresher as well.

Click here to view the course and here to see other topics in our eLearning library.

Fundamental Underwriters Introduces Primary Non-Owned Auto

Fundamental Underwriters Introduces Primary Non-Owned Auto

Did you know that your health and human service policyholders may face a significant financial risk every time an employee climbs in the driver’s seat to commute for business purposes? With many of their employees driving to clients’ homes and various medical facilities for work, the employer could be risking a substantial financial loss during every commute without even realizing it.

When it comes to auto insurance, there is often a coverage gap for employers whose employees use their own vehicles for business purposes, which may cause claim issues. That’s why we’re excited to offer Primary Non-Owned Auto (PNOA), through AF Group Brand Fundamental Underwriters, insurance to help bridge that gap!

PNOA allows insureds to cover liability and optional physical damage on a primary basis, protecting both the employer and employee while personal vehicles are being driven in the scope of employment duties. PNOA is a complementary product to our workers’ compensation customers. Here are a few details about PNOA:

  • Limits offered up to $500K with optional APD
  • Optional collision coverage up to $50,000 per accident at a $500 deductible per occurrence – requires collision coverage on an underlying personal vehicle
  • Benefits to the employer include: better protection for staff, improved risk profile, streamlined coverage, consistent management of employee vehicle operation and assists with employee recruitment and retention.
  • Currently available in select states

Many of our agent partners have already taken advantage of this product – and we would love to have the opportunity to discuss PNOA with you as well.

For more information, please watch our new PNOA video and review our marketing flyer. If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected] to set up a meeting

Legislative Update

Legislative Update

COVID-19 Policy Environment
Throughout 2021, AF Group generated positive advocacy results in numerous priority markets, but in these unprecedented times, legislative and regulatory environments remain impulsive. The majority of states (42) have considered some form of COVID workers’ comp presumption policy initiative to date. As we move forward into 2022, the primary risk from AF Group’s perspective is the overall presumption debate will evolve into a much broader public policy discussion surrounding infectious disease, and the system’s responsibility and coverage of these increased exposures. 

Cannabis Industry Evolution 
States are moving quickly to create and implement new laws intended to monitor and regulate cannabis production and distribution, in addition to creating pathways for recreational use. As of June 2021, 19 states have legalized marijuana for recreational use. AF Group is leveraging our established political network to strengthen knowledge and understanding of this continually evolving industry and the possible impacts/opportunities it’s generating for our Enterprise.  

 Federal Budget Process – Tax & State-Based Workers’ Comp System  

  1. Tax
    • U.S. Congress will likely increase the corporate income tax rate, impacting corporate 2022 financials. Currently, the corporate tax rate sits at 21% (prior to Trump tax cuts, corporate tax rate was 35%). Under President Biden and Democratic leadership in Congress, we anticipate roughly a 6-8% increase. The formal budget reconciliation legislation has yet to be finalized, as the debate continues.
  2. State-Based Workers’ Comp System 
    • The Department of Labor’s Office of Workers Compensation (OWCP) has an annual discretionary budget of approximately $117 million.  A section of the Federal Budget proposal receiving media attention lately (House Build Back Better, or Reconciliation Package) recommends a $121 million appropriation for OWCP for carrying out activities of the Office relating to claims activity, policy and standards development, and monitoring of State workers’ compensation programs.”   
    • The increased dollars are intended to restore the “National Commission.”  In summary, the Commission’s objective is to execute an analysis/critique of the overall state-based workers’ compensation system, particularly analyzing the Federal Government’s role and oversight of state workers’ compensation programs.   
    • There’s a belief among some stakeholders in Washington that the state-based programs are inadequate and the Feds should play an enhanced role. 
    • AF Group’s Government Affairs team will continue to monitor the Federal budgetary process/politics and work to influence this overall process where necessary.  

National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC) 
AF Group will formally become a member of NAMIC in October. This partnership will enhance our advocacy strength, visibility and influence throughout the property casualty industry and within our priority political environments in which we have a significant book of business.